
Garfield was born in 19 June 1978, from the comics pages. Mastermind of this cartoonist is Jim Davis. Garfield is like know as a cute,fat, lazy, cynical orange cat who loves lasagna, coffee, and his remote control. His owner, the long-suffering Jon Arbuckle and Odie, a sweet but dumb dog.

Garfield become more popular in animated TV show "Garfield & Friends" in CBS-TV from 1988 to 1995. Then everybody recognize Garfield. The popular Garfield website is Jim Davis like to say "He's a human in a cat suit". Garfield is funny, loves TV and hates Mondays. Garfield The Movie also nice to watch. It's like real and genius cat.


Anonymous said…
wow, you did a research on one of my fav... Garfield.. but that was about 15 yrs ago... but i'm still inlove with garfielf.. Still have the stuff on my kid's room..
Anonymous said…
wow Garfield! you know when I was a kid I used to collect Garfield stickers :)
bluecrystaldude said…
HAHA! I love Garfield! I remember that I used to have a big fluffy (and if you want, you could also include "fatty") teddy bear of Garfield. Until one day, my mum thought that I was old enough to have a teddy bear and gave it to charity. *sigh*

Yeah, I know. Garfield and I do have a special bond. LOL

Wiguan said…
Hey hello.
I want to ask. What software do you use to take screen snap?

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