I just remember where I put my cat’s teeth

This story was happen long time ago, during that day when I was wake up always in 9 am. I just wonder why “Parsi” mouth has a little blood. Then, I look it from far away, actually not so far just behind the door hehe.. “Parsi” cannot take his food and cleaning is body, like it does in everyday. I just feel pity with “Parsi” action so I came closer.

When I look what happen to “Parsi” mouth, it was bleeding then one of his teeth are broke but still hanging in front of his mouth. Maybe that piece of teeth takes some time to drop it by itself but I just can’t see “Parsi” action that uncomfortable, so I decide to help “Parsi” to take out his teeth. Then, using my hand I manage to take “Parsi” teeth out that hanging in front of his mouth. Hehe..In the beginning I just use some tool but it is hard to capture “Parsi” teeth that is small and “Parsi” became scare then what to do I just use my hand.

Now I just remember where I put my cat’s teeth, here is the picture. I add some ruler so we can make some measurement. Getting to know my all cat’s name :D from the older post, “Parsi” is one of them.

Now "Parsi" always look happy as usual and love to play with me


Anonymous said…
omg! that happened to my cat too.. the gigi gets stuck out of his mouth right then he looks like a pirate. Went to the vet to help his situation because mcm kesian sa tingu everytime if u terpegang his mulut mcm always terkejut..probably because of the pain lo. The veterinarian said that he had Gingivitis.. a gum infection caused by plague. Bah, mcm human jg if dont berus gigi we can get that too but then pets dont brush their gigi kan. The vet kasi bius dia then he tertidur so can mula the process of taking the teeth out without my cat trying to avoid it. It is good to give ur cats dry cat food everyday then give the canned food once a week mcm tu. Kesian ur cat..i forgot to take the gigi from the vet ah, kena buang sudah! haihsss! sayang...my cat was the one that passed away sda sbb sakit tua. Tu in my blog ada tu his pic on the left side..the catster badge tu near my facebook badge. hehe! i miss him lots!

anyways, cute the gigi..adui..hehe! simpan!
E-Tavasi said…
Yup Ami3 s10 it look like pirate, good for you bcoz you bring your cat to clinic hehehe me.. i just use my hand.. because some tool like "player" cannot be used.. it is hard to catch because the cat try to avoid..

ayoo..how to brush cat's teeth..?
Anonymous said…
OMG... now u become animal doctor pulak. So hebat lah you.

Kesian juga tinguk tu kucing gitu. Nasib juga kau ni sayang diaorang ni. Selamat juga.

Just curious, when the time you pull it, the cat just stand still kah?
E-Tavasi said…
Oh Papa Joneh after i pull it, my cat just sit down and become silence, his faces became happy and after a minute, he start to clean his skin again :D
Anonymous said…
Hello Etavasi,

My 1st time here, your hero by night almost scared me to death.. lol. but Parsi did saved me.. lovable cat you have and must be comfy when hug... mmmmh!!!
E-Tavasi said…
Hi Queen Bee... thanks for visit :) sorry about the hero by night hehehe.. that is good comic.. don't forget to say thanks to Parsi hehe :)
Anonymous said…
wow that's look like a tiger's teeth heheheh (1 inch)..i can't imagine if i have a teeth like that, maybe i'll say " meoow..meowww" lol..;p
but it's so nice if your cats love you and you love them either.
E-Tavasi said…
Hi Dexiell :D if I not mistake tiger is same with cat only the size,
ahh...omg you want.. your teeth like this..hehe.. you want to be vampire..
i just kidding.. :P..
ReadWriteSnap said…
that's a HUGE one!!! ewww, that must have hurt.
bluecrystaldude said…
wow.. that was one of a kind teeth. lol. So panjang.. Parsi must look garang with it.. wonder if I get bit by him ;D
E-Tavasi said…
yes abby..parsi get hurt because of this broken teeth..

bluecrystaldude, yeah..long time ago parsi look garang but, after one of his teeth gone.. then Parsi is not garang anymore he turn became cute..
Anonymous said…
Hi there, would you like to exchange links?

Faisal Admar said…
Whoa! what he ate? Poor cat... Is that a Siamese breed? Cute tho and glad that he is back to his routine and smiles happily. Good master ^_^
E-Tavasi said…
Hi faisal :)
I don't know what my cat eat.. hehehe
He looks like Siamese breed.. because his eyes is blue in colour..

yeah now Parsi is always happy :)
Anonymous said…
i am scared of cats ... the cat we have at home scratches and bites us in an attempt to play with us ... it hurts ...
E-Tavasi said…
Sorry about the cats junelle... maybe you can apply some trick...try to play with them after you give them some food..hehehe.... some of my cats also like that, they like to play but suddenly the cats bite our leg.
Anonymous said…
Wow O_o that's one big tooth..
E-Tavasi said…
yup vinkoy..that my cats theeth

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