Bring Some Style to Your Desktop

Beside using a nice wallpaper and some calendar widget inside your computer, I just want to share about this program that I think can bring some style to your desktop. ObjectDock is a program that adds a skinnable dock to your Windows desktop. It is one of the most popular desktop enhancement programs available. I like to use this software and it is nice. When we make mouse over at the icon, it will come out and turn into big size but it is depend on what effect that you choose for your icon. Me, I like to see that icon turn into big size. I just remove all icon like My Computer, My Document, Recycle Bin and others from my desktop and put inside ObjectDock bar, so my Desktop PC will become more clean. New version for this software include Start Menu application, so from ObjectDock we can access start menu. We also can add some widget like weather forecast, temperature and clock animation. We can Download this software for free at . Inside this website also we can ...