Blackout at my place

Yesterday, I just finish sending my review website.It was 5.30 pm suddenly; my electric inside my house is gone. Wow what happen? Then I look at outside my house there is nothing, there is no rain, and no lighting or any sound that come from the sky. Why this suddenly happen? It takes long time, just to wait my house electricity come back to my house. After take my dinner with my family around 7 o’clock, there is still no sign of my electricity coming back to my home. Then when it comes around 10.00pm, it looks like everybody in my house is going to sleep. Me I just can’t sleep, because I feel too hot. I feel scare because I’m just alone at downstairs, then I light up my candle and sleep on sofa.

I don't know if I have my sleep or

I don’t know if I have my sleep or not, when I wake-up it was morning 8.20am already but I still feel sleepy. My father brought news and I read it LOL….this was happen last night… this electrical tower collapse at Inanam,Sabah the place is far way from my house.

and my candle hehehe...


Anonymous said…
What a night. I hanged out at lintas during the blackout. quite a number of people there having a drink. Once you're so used to being online, it sucks to have a blackout. heh...
E-Tavasi said…
You a right impedius, you must buy me electric generate so i can keep online for 24 hours :D hehe... oh.. don't forget to bring me if you go lintas..
Anonymous said…
That's a sad experience.
E-Tavasi said…
Yes TomGu, sad experience also make me scare when we remember ghost story at that time :(
Amy C said…
haha...tin milo for ur candle, good one...hehehe...i slept on the floor until the light is up wit the kipas on my right hand :)
E-Tavasi said…
Wa.. Amy so have kipas that use battery.. oh that tin milo, is for safety... hehehe :D
Anonymous said…
well, if you give me choice lah, i prefer no electricity than no water oh... but glad everything ok after that few hours in the dark. whoever steal that besi... mesti mo kena pukul with besi also..haiya
E-Tavasi said…
Yes shirley, if we have no water this will bring lots of problem, especially toilet problem hehehe...
Faisal Admar said…
Hmm hate when no electricity. With our hot and humid weather, surely I can't sleep too.
E-Tavasi said…
yes faisal, i can't sleep when i feel so hot
bluecrystaldude said…
Yeah, I agree with Shirley. But still, no water also can bring so much trouble lorh.. :(
E-Tavasi said…
Heheh most people choose water than electric... :D
Anonymous said…
it's because some stupid fella stole the steel bars right? aiyak tu pun mo curik ka...
E-Tavasi said…
Ann, yalah diorang ni.. if that things can jual, semua pun mahu curi.. eeee
Anonymous said…
Recently in the Philippines we are having a lot of power outages. Some of my agents have broken PC's because of it.
E-Tavasi said…
wow... broken PC... bcoz of this.. so sad... hope your PC is fine.. Junelle :D

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