I love to drink Nescafe


Amy C said…
wah cantik mug dia...free kaitu?...minta...hehehe :P
E-Tavasi said…
hehehe i got free from nescafe..
JualannyaSaya said…
gimana cara dapetnya ? ane mau dunk ?
E-Tavasi said…
Untuk kita mendapetnya, kita perlu beli produk nescafe.. pastikan ada tanda percuma, beli banyak2..dpt banyak percuma barangan nescafe.. hehe :D
Anonymous said…
Hmm I like the spoon.. can I have it?

btw I'm vincent from carjunky.. and I have a tag for you.. its easy so hope you'll like it.
E-Tavasi said…
thanks for tagging me vincent :D ohh you like the spoon :D nice right..
Anonymous said…
Alamak!! I ver much kaki Nescafe! And I want yours too.. give me give me!!!

Nanti sia pi cari ni... ;)
E-Tavasi said…
Adei Papa Joneh.. ini pun ko mahu.. hehehe.. baik ko beli capat sebelum abis stock..

Cannot take people punya free from nescafe..
Faisal Admar said…
i'm one of the big fan of nescafe... too.

love the mug~ ^_^
E-Tavasi said…
haha.. faisal..we are the same :D

nescafe team.. hehehe

any way... get that free mug from nescafe hehehe :)

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