Tilapia Baby Fish

Now day’s price for good things at market is going up and higher, this will bring some problem to others in order to survive for life. Many people complain about this situation. Then here I come up with my new project in giving a special care for my Tilapia baby fish. Hope this project will help me and my family and also my cat’s meow meow in order to survive and have enough food supply for my home. This is my story about Tilapia Baby Fish. Tilapia is one kind of fish that easy to take care and grow in time. In this post i also add my own video. What do you call for Tilapia fish using your own language?

Tilapia Fish in their scientific name known as “Oreochromis mossambica” for red colour and “Oreochromis niloticus” for a black colour. In my place as kadazan people commonly called it “Kalapia Taagang” for red colour and “Kalapia Toitom” for Tilapia which is black colour.

This is my small pond near my house. Now its water turns into green color because of not having yet maintenance. It is take time to clean and change this water because this small pond builds with not having a technology to make it auto clean. I need to do it manually. (Help Me…) Now this small pond is like a hatchery for Tilapia fish at my house.

To take out all this water, nah I use this small water pump technology hahaha… it have the ability to pump out all water and it work fast and more silent , of course it is silent because that pump is inside water. Then, this pump take 30 minute in time to take out all the water, while I’m waiting I still can finish my rollercoaster tycoon 3 games in my computer. Wow it is nice; you should try to play it.

This is a small bathtub which I use to transfer all fish inside it. I fill it water and add some anti-chlorine. Now in order to give a special care for the tilapia baby fish, I just want to select all the baby fish. It is hard to catch all of it and I need big patience. (I think I don’t have it haha..) The fish that has big enough, I bring it to my house so I can cook and eat.

I use this small net to catch all the fish. Let’s catch the Tilapia baby fish yahoooo….. ops before that lets play Gaban song from my older post to bring some music while we are get all this little fish…. Hahahah no need i just kidding.

This bathtub is full of tilapia baby; it is like a mosquito larva if we look it from far away. It is hard to count how much baby tilapia inside this tub. Huhuhu…Now after I clean back my small pond, we need to add anti-chlorine with some measurement, and then flow by freshwater. If you like to buy this Tilapia baby fish, now I make a discount buy 1 free 1… Finally after that small pond has enough water, I put the Tilapia baby back inside it. Hope it will grow fast not just my family but also for my cats meow meow.

This is some video of the tilapia baby fish it is nice to watch but maybe it will be a little bit late to loading. Hope all of you can watch it.


Anonymous said…
Tilapia? I thought it was talapia. 1 thg I know, people here call ikan koruk as ikan puyu. hehe
E-Tavasi said…
Hi ann :) it is tilapia, you can visit this fishbase.org.. Hahaha but ikan koruk also nice to eat... and easy to care :)
DebbieDana said…
we call it tilapia, too! yummy!
DebbieDana said…
we call it tilapia, too! yummy!
ReadWriteSnap said…
Hello etavasi. We call it tilapia too. I think its one of the yummiest fish.lol. I like it fried, or 'paksiw' i forgot how paksiw is translated. But to grow it? Now, thats really a story. Better blog on its improvements and growth, and maybe u can post pics of ur fish at this time and when he's grown? I just hope ur cats wont make a meal out of him. Is tilapia a boy or a girl?
E-Tavasi said…
Dana and Abby yes it is yummy..

Abby... fish that have grow enough i put inside my house already, now it is time this tilapia baby fish want to grow... boy or girl..? hehehe if they have baby then it must be boy and girl...
Anonymous said…
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Well about this post, it seems you are now sharing you daily life stuffs. Thats interesting. Are these fish very tasty to eat? I never heard of this name so am not able to recognize it.
E-Tavasi said…
Yes agent 001, this fish is very tasty you should try to get one from me :) you can check at fishbase.org
Pinay said…
We call it Tilapia also.I really love Tilapia!Good for you you have a little fish pond.Share some when they're big enough to eat hehehe.
E-Tavasi said…
Yes Amor, but it is only a little fish pond, i will try to send it using DHL express post or using e-mail hehehe.. i just kidding.. :D
Faisal Admar said…

This is cool. I have been searching some info on keli and talapia too. Mind to share with some info regarding this? How much it cost for a small pond like that?

Can email me at chanija@yahoo.com as well.

E-Tavasi said…
Hi faisal,

wow...seem like you interesting in culture this tilapia, well if you like to get info about all fish around the world, not only tilapia, you can visit fishbase.org

this little pond cost is cheap because we just buy the material then my dad design and build this pond. Here we save some cost..
Anonymous said…
Go Tilapia! ;-) I love roller coaster tycoon! Forgot how to play though. Long time already. :-)
E-Tavasi said…
Wah... impideus roller coaster tycoon 3...is best.. :D
Ami3 S10 said…
cute oh them..kakaka! So when they grow bigger how? Sanggup kah u wanna eat them? If me, macam I sedih only susah2 bring them up kena makan! LOLLLLL...ah well, circle of life! If big already where u put them? Muat kah so small the tub? Hmmmmmm..aku bingungssss..hehe! Sorryyyy..
E-Tavasi said…
Hi Ami3 S10,

:D Actually i put back this little baby tilapia inside this small pond...I just clean it. When it already big enough then we just take and eat them.. other fish we transfer at other big pond..
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Anonymous said…
haha! i also want to eat..with cili padi tambah kicap and limau kasturi...aduhh! Sedaps! :D~!
E-Tavasi said…
adeii... ami3 s10 bikin sia keluar air liur ko punya recepi.. hehehe

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