Tetris is Fun and Enjoy

I sleep back haha.. now I wake up 9.30am. Good Morning again haha.. I think everyone know about Tetris. Tetris is a puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov in June 1985. This is the 1st video game that I like to play when I was child haha… because it is easy to play but when come to high level, haha… I lose because of the increasing of the speed game. I think myself only reach level 8 or 9 then turn to game over. Oh.. intensive research from Dr. Michael Crane and Dr. Richard Haier, Tetris lead more efficient brain during play. Advices from me don’t feel stress when player are game over haha… try again u all can do it.. Wow....omg I get shock a minute when I see this person point 999,999 play classic game boy Tetris for just 30 min, some comment said he is not human hahaha… try see this video.

Lot of people love Tetris music theme including me yeah hehe that is when I was child but now lot of version now.. I think music already a little bit different. People enjoy play Tetris music by violin, guitar, piano, drum and other instrument. Use bottle also can play Tetris theme sound wow.. I get some cool drummer for Tetris theme sound same like my post before about Super Mario. Try watch this one hehe.. I like the drum skill hehe… but Opps sorry for the word intro for this video..haha not from me ok.

How about u all interested to play Tetris video game? Or play some Tetris music? Eh never play this game hahaha…


Faisal Admar said…
I used to love Tetris. I am kind of patient and wait till I almost lose and use the long bar to double up my point haha! ;) It is like a business you know?

Eh btw, how is your ikan last time? Long time no news about them.
Pinay said…
Hello Etavasi,how are you?Oh I like playing tetris too.Thanks for the visits.By the way,I haven't been here for a while because we transferred to a new place and we didn't have internet connection for almost 3 months.Have a nice day!
bluecrystaldude said…
I love playing tetris too! Although it's has been a while I since played it :)
editya said…
semuanya bahasa inggris aku pake indonesia aja ya komenya...tetris permainan waktu aku masih sd kereeen banget dulu aku ingat sampe level 12 ..seru deh
haha..this is one of my fav game since childhood.tp ndak la sehebat org dlm video ni..pnya la power...!
E-Tavasi said…
Hi Faisal
ohhh use startegy long bar hehehe
business? idk haha
Oh my ikan.. later i will post
it.. (^^,)

I am fine, thanks Amor.. aww same like my problem long time before 5 month not online.. nice to see you again :) Have a nice day too (^^,)

wah bluecrystaldude u love tetris too..hehe this classic game is cool right. I like to play it too

Didiet.. wah level 12.. hebat kamu nii..

Yah Nonoi.. saya pun tidak percaya ni org dalam video main ni game.. sampai begitu laju.. masih lagi hebat heheh

(^^,) Tetris is fun and enjoy
Anonymous said…
Tetris .... hmmmm
Anonymous said…
My fav game, u remind me to Game Boy...:)
Raft3r said…
hey, man
how are ya?

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