My breakfast with my lunch time

I wake up late this morning almost 11 o’clock in this morning. Haha… so lazy for this day (^^,) I feel so hungry no wonder I haven’t eat breakfast. I wake up.. Then I went to my kitchen Hmmm.. what should I eat for this day ? Yes I know… hahaha… ta..da… combination food ..haha

This is my delicious breakfast and for my lunch time… Weeeeee JUST for ME.. 2 packs me goreng indo, 2 omelets and 3 sausages plus cheese inside it. Haha…so simple better than my burger last time.


Faisal Admar said…
huwa! i haven't eaten la. now i feel so hungry when looking at your noodle! btw that is not omelet :P omelet is the one you cook similarly like scramble egg hehe.

eh indo better than maggie ar? hmm hmm... i like the indo free oil hehe.
E-Tavasi said…
Ohh hahah.. i am wrong.. for the omelet name..sorry (^^,)..
idk what is the name for this
telur goreng in this type hahaha..
maybe telur goreng biasa..kekekeke
Darlyn said…
ellow e - tavasi
breakfast is so important.. you suppose to eat your breakfast in the right time:D pls don't skip that...

have a nice day ahead:D
vhingF said…
2 in 1....u'll become rich and famous by that.he he he he..U CAN SAVE A LOT ,lol.
Zhoe Wynz said…
Grrr... hungry hungryy... huhuhu cook for me leh.. hahaha
Anonymous said…
i am hungry right now and i feel like eating the pancit.sarap.

favor lang, please change my url to


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