5 Month I am not with My Blog

Look like I am die with my blog… wahhh so long now I am online back to my blog. Hello world of Blog.. hi hi hi I miss this blog Mmmuuahh… look like everything is change. Sorry for not update my blog for long time, look like expire hahaha…I am busy doing something in real life and including the internet line problem, until now day I miss my blog so much. Hmmm I don’t know how to start this blog again.. (I become like “katak bawah tempurung”)
I was surprise when I check my email lot of mail has not been read inbox 1433 and the mail for spam 526. Hmm by the way I almost forget what my password for my email is and that was making me so scared.

Hahaha…Maybe I should activate back all my account inside internet hope it is not expire (sigh).Ahh I miss my friends, I going to check my friendster again, wah I have lot to do now.. I get my internet line back. Yeah I back again. Yahoo ..


Ge Siahaya said…
Helloooooo.....where have you been??

Welcome back (^_^)
E-Tavasi said…
(^^,) Wah i am so happy i am online
back..i feel shy to say my internet
got problem hahaha...
Ge Siahaya said…
Ahahaaaa...I thought you were gone somewhere or perhaps didn't want to blog anymore, so glad to see you back again, come come let's just write anything hahahaaa...we will read and comment as usual (^^,)
Anonymous said…
glad you're back!

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