The “Make A Wish” Meme

I got this tag from Malyn :-) I like this tag thanks :)

The “Make A Wish” Meme

Here is the rules :

1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart’s desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.

2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic above.

3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture.

So here are my wishes:

Now, I'm Tagging all my blogroll


Anonymous said…
thanks for this tag, etavasi...i wish you this too so that we won't need to go the an office to earn income...
~Mommyallehs~ said…
thanks for tagging me etavasi... i already have this tag but i didn't posted yet =). i wish you this too. take care!
Anonymous said…
wow thanks for this tag really nice but knowing to post my wish on a picture wouldn't be enough i mean i have so long sentence wish ^_^ thanks so much
Valente said…
hi thankx a ton for dis tag .u r making me really famous na my blog rather :)
Agent Deepak said…
Hey I commented before but my comment not here why?Well I want to thanks for the tag.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for this tag, etavasi. I have so many wishes that one entry won't be enough. Thank you so much :)
Restnrileks said…
hey evatasi..thanks for the tag. Oh myyy this month seems like a month of tagging and meme. I ll do it once i am free. Been bz lately. thanks ya..
Anonymous said…
Well... I got tagged!
Wish you success, too!
Ampuh said…
Thank you very much Etavasi for tagging me on your site.
I hope with your website u will be more successfull.
T22Gaming said…
weeeee... thanks for the TAG!!!
you guys if you want AVRIL UPDATES just click on me... THESAVRIL
Anonymous said…
Yay! I put mine up on my writing blog,
Thanks for the fun!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tag. Keep reading my blog. Take care.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tag. keep reading my blog. I do hope your site will be famous someday.

Keep reading my blog as well.
Faisal Admar said…
Thanks for tagging me. I've done my part =)
Anonymous said…
hey this is vinkoy from carjunky.. I have also tagged you in this site.. I still haven't done this tag yet.. but I will..will also inform you right away after I finish with the job.. hehe thanks for the tag by the way..
Anonymous said…
making my wish
Anonymous said…
Thank you Etavasi, I appriciated it.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tag but I can't do meme for now...a little bit busy and tired with my work...thanks again....
waliz said…
hi etavasi..u are so sweet..thanks for the tag...i wish i can do it straight away but that is impossible..will do it soon...:D
Anonymous said…
thanks etavasi! will post this on my blog :)
Anonymous said…
i wish your wish will come true...:)
Anonymous said…
Thanks my broo nice site
RNfreebies said…
hello there. thank you so much for the tag. i'm so sorry i wasn't able to react sooner, i was so busy. anyway, i wish you the same thing also. happy blogging, more power and God bless us always.

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